Betty C. Riddell Award for Pharmacy Practitional Excellence


This award is given annually to a member of CSHP in recognition of outstanding achievement to patient care, contribution to the profession, and long-term service to the practice of pharmacy. Selection of nominees will be made on the basis of involvement and significant contribution to the practice of pharmacy at the pharmacist's workplace. The award will be presented to the successful nominee at the CSHP-SK Branch AGM and Educational Sessions. The recipient will receive a plaque commemorating their achievement.

Submissions of Nominations
Procedure The nomination of a candidate for this award shall be submitted no later than the  deadline determined annually by the Awards Chair. All nominations shall be submitted  to the Awards Committee, in writing, with substantiating background information. Submissions may be sent electronically to the Awards Committee Chair. All nominees shall be reviewed against the criteria for the award by the Executive Committee of the CSHP-SK Branch.


The deadline for nominations for this award will be communicated in Spring 2025
Nomination forms Nomination forms will be linked here in Spring 2025
Selection of Candidates

The candidate will be a member in good standing of CSHP Saskatchewan Branch and selection shall be based on:

  • Long term service to the practice of pharmacy (minimum of 10 years)
  • Excellence in the provision of patient-focused care
  • Commitment to excellence by involvement in initiatives aimed at improving  pharmacy services within the workplace
  • Strong role model for students, residents and other pharmacists
  • Innovative practitioner with a sound work ethic
  • Ambassador of the profession
  • Other qualifications, related experience and professional development may be  considered during the selection process
Judging Rubric

Nominee is currently a CSHP-SK Branch member


Greater than 10 years of hospital/ambulatory pharmacy experience


Excellence in patient care and pharmacy  practice


  • Formal leadership in clinical pharmacy practice (e.g., Clinical Coordinator, Clinical  Support Pharmacist, etc.)
  • Informal leadership in clinical pharmacy practice (e.g., role model for other  pharmacists) 
  • Evidence of exemplary patient care
  • Contributions to local practice change 
  • Involvement in patient safety initiatives
  • Participation in development of pre-printed order sets, procedures, policies, etc.


Professional leadership and service


  • Current and past formal leadership position(s) in the profession of pharmacy and/or  institution and/or health care system 
  • Current and past service with local, provincial, or national pharmacy and/or health  care organization(s) (e.g., advocacy, regulatory, advisory, etc.)
  • Positions held in organizations (e.g., member, executive council, etc.)
  • Informal leadership roles in the profession of pharmacy and/or institution and/or  health care system
  • Cumulative years of service in professional organizations


Ambassador/advocate of the  profession


  • Contributions, impacts, and influence in interprofessional teams
  • Role in advocating for increased pharmacist scope of practice 
  • Experience practicing in clinical areas previously without pharmacist support
  • Role in securing funding for pharmacists in new clinical areas
  • Involvement in non-pharmacy specific professional organizations




  • Post-graduate credentials in education-related field 
  • Preceptorship of pharmacy students and residents
  • Involvement with Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) or Canadian  Pharmacy Residency Board (CPRB)
  • Involvement in education of other health sciences students (e.g., Family Medicine  Unit academic half days)
  • Clinical faculty, cross-appointment
  • Lectureship
  • Skills lab instructing 
  • Notable mentorship of new staff
  • Quality of student feedback, receptiveness to feedback
  • Enthusiasm and passion for teaching


Other Considerations


  • Organizational relationship capital, reputation and/or distinction in the organization
  • Appointment to provincial, national, or international organizations, committees, or  initiatives (e.g., grant committee member, white paper co-author, CDEC member,  etc.)
  • Contributions to the profession, projects, and or/innovations have been recognized  nationally either by nomination for award(s), receipt of award(s), or publicized by a  national health care organization (e.g., CSHP, CPhA, CFPC, etc.)




Past Recipients

2001 - Betty Riddell
2002 - Jean Mah
2003 - Bruce Lang
2004 - Barry Lyons
2005 - Brenda Morari
2006 - Jane Richardson
2007- Not Awarded
2008 - Karen McDermaid
2009 - Kathy Gesy
2010 - Carolyn Gray
2011 - Darryl Boehm
2012 - Patrick Robertson
2013 - David Sollid
2014 - Monica Lawrence
2015 - Bill Semchuk
2016 - Melanie McLeod
2017 - Barb Evans
2018 - Vaughn Johnson
2019 - Brenda Thiessen
2020 - Don Kuntz
2021 - Tanya Winkel
2022 - Julie Toppings
2023 - Adrien Gaucher
2024 - Tanya Nystrom

About Betty C. Riddell

Betty Riddell was awarded her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan in 1949. In 1962, she received a Certificate in Business Administration from the College on Commerce at the same institution. Following graduation, Betty maintained an active pharmacy practice, primarily in hospital pharmacy.

Betty's career as a pharmacist began at Moose Jaw Drug and Stationery. In 1950 she moved to Lethbridge, Alberta to become Director of Pharmacy at Galt Hospital and later, at Lethbridge Municipal Hospital.

Betty joined the staff at the Royal University Hospital in 1959 and served in various pharmacy positions: Staff Pharmacist; Senior Pharmacist; Assistant Director; and Associate Director until she became Director of Pharmaceutical Services at that institution in 1991. Betty was Director of the hospital's pharmacy residency program and she was actively involved in teaching at the University of Saskatchewan. She was Clinical Assistant Professor at the College of Pharmacy and gave many lectures in the College of Nursing.

Betty was an active member of the Saskatchewan Branch of CSHP for over 50 years. She served as President of the Sask. Branch in 1970 and she was National CSHP President in 1974. Betty served as Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy from 1962 - 1981. Betty is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists and she chaired the Board of Fellows from 1986 - 88.

Betty was presented with the CSHP Ortho Award in 1980, the CSHP (Sask. Branch) J.L. Summers Award in 1988 and she was the first recipient of the Betty C. Riddell Award named in her honor by the Saskatchewan Branch.

Betty was the hospital pharmacy representative on the Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association for many years and she served as President of SPhA in 1989-90. She was a member of the CPhA Board of Directors and also Speaker of the CPhA Council of Delegates. Betty has received Honorary Life Memberships in the Canadian Pharmacists Association, the Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association and the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists.

Betty provided outstanding service to the profession in clinical, academic, administrative and organizational responsibilities throughout her career. She died peacefully at her home in Saskatoon on December 19, 2016 at the age of 89.

Additional history on Betty Riddell can be found here.