Medication System
"Patient-centred care focuses on how best to meet the needs of the person (i.e., the patient), not how best to fit the patient into the system. When patient-centred care is in place for a collective group, it is used to make systemwide changes."
"The medication-use system is made safer with the implementation of risk-reduction strategies that consider the patient’s perspective and that are based on retrospective and prospective analyses."
"The delivery of high-quality care is facilitated by appropriate technology; technology that could potentially compromise care is not used."
Pharmacy Practice in Hospitals and Other Collaborative Healthcare Settings: Position Statements
External Resources
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These resources are provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. It is the responsibility of the user of the resource to judge its suitability for his or her particular purpose within the context of his or her practice and the applicable legislative framework. In no event shall CSHP or any persons involved in providing the resource be liable for damages arising from its use.
Design for Patient Safety. NHS. National Patient Safety Agency.
Guidelines for Medicine Donations Revised 2010 (2011) (World Health Organization) [PDF]