Orest Buchko Hospital Pharmacy Award


This award is given annually to a graduating student of the Undergraduate PharmD  program at the University of Saskatchewan pursuing a career in Hospital Pharmacy. The award will be presented to the successful applicant by the College of Pharmacy and  Nutrition and also at the CSHP-SK Branch AGM and Educational Sessions. The recipient will receive a plaque commemorating their achievement.

Submissions of Nominations

The application for this award shall be submitted to the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition no later than the deadline specified by the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition Scholarships and Awards Committee. An application consists of: (1) letter of application (2) current CV and (3) a brief description of the student's interests in the field of hospital pharmacy practice and career plans in this profession. All applications shall be reviewed against the criteria for the award by the Executive Committee of the CSHP-SK Branch. Final selection is made by the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition Scholarships and Awards Committee.

Deadline and nomination forms The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition will email information to USask PharmD students when the application period opens (typically February).
Selection of Candidates

The candidate will be a student member in good standing of CSHP Saskatchewan Branch and selection shall be based on:

  • Demonstrated passion for pursuing a career in hospital pharmacy
  • Applicable experience in hospital practice (work or education related)
  • Involvement in student, professional, or volunteer groups
Judging Rubric

Nominee is currently a CSHP-SK Branch member


Grades (Convert percent average supplied by the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition to points by dividing by 10: i.e., 85% average = 8.5 points) /10

Commitment to pursue a career in hospital pharmacy


  • Specificity about the nominee’s unique interest in hospital pharmacy  
  • Connection of previous work experiences or experiential learning rotations to interest  in pursuing a career in hospital pharmacy 
  • Indication of what qualities of a hospital pharmacist and/or elements of a career in  hospital pharmacy are intriguing to them personally  
  • Has matched to residency program, has accepted a position in a hospital, or indicates  they are actively in the process of applying for a hospital posting


Leadership within professional organizations


  • Current or past involvement with professional organizations on campus, provincially, or nationally 
  • Formal leadership positions held 
  • Evidence of going above and beyond


Involvement in professional organizations


  • Membership in CSHP, CAPSI, and other professional organizations 
  • Volunteers for ad hoc opportunities 
  • Evidence of taking interest in leadership positions (e.g., co-chairing Pharmacy  Appreciation Month)


Other Considerations


  • Strength of writing mechanics (essay structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, etc.) 
  • Personality and uniqueness of essay content (must still be written with professional  conventions) 
  • Date nomination form submitted (i.e., earlier may indicate eagerness, preparedness,  etc.) 
  • Evidence of professionalism 
  • Involvement in other school or civic-related activities indicating well-roundedness (e.g., SPNSS, Pre-Pharmacy Club, community programs, etc.) 
  • Expresses interest in advancement of the profession as a pharmacist (e.g., future involvement in advocacy organization, precepting and mentoring students, etc.)




Past Recipients

1993 - Marianne Gulka 
1994 - Jodie Keith
1995 - Deana Sabuda
1996 - Shannon Stone
1997 - Cheryl Kmet
1998 - Kirsten Logan George
1999 - Carolyn Anderson
2000 - Maryanne Bartake
2001 - Anders Foss
2002 - Dawn Dalen
2003 - Jennifer Carvell
2004 - Bonnie Rasmussen
2005 - Aleksandra (Ola) Siwic
2006 - Sherilyn Houle
2007 - Narges Shaterian
2008 - Kyle Wilby
2009 - Leslie Dagg
2010 - Kelly Buxton
2011 - Eric Landry
2012 - Katelyn Halpape
2013 - Kelsey Isfan
2014 - Danielle Shmyr
2015 - Nicole Peters
2016 - Samantha Cunningham
2017 - Heather Hodgson
2018 - Stephanie Zimmer
2019 - Hishaam Bhimji
2020 - Nicole McMillan
2021 - Japheth Bool
2022 - Marina DaSilva
2023 - Kayla Bannouvong
2024 - Emma Fedusiak

About Orest Buchko

Orest Buchko received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan in 1955. Orest served his pharmacy apprenticeship at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and became a staff pharmacist at that institution in 1956. Pharmacy Director Jack Summers immediately recognized Orest's administrative skills and he became Assistant Director of Pharmaceutical Services one year later. Mr. Buchko was appointed Director of Pharmaceutical Services in 1963 and provided outstanding leadership in that capacity until his retirement in 1991. It was under his direction that the first hospital-wide decentralized unit dose system was established and many other unique innovations were implemented during that period. He also was instrumental in establishing and leading the hospital pharmacy residency program as well as serving as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy at the College for over twenty years.

Mr. Buchko was President of the Saskatchewan Branch, CSHP in 1963-64 and National President of CSHP in 1967. Orest served as Business Manager and Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy from 1961 - 1981. He was the CSHP Sask. Branch representative on the Council of the Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association for many years. He is an Honorary Life Member of the Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association (now Sask. College of Pharmacists) and he was the recipient of the CSHP Ortho Award in 1976.

Orest's entire pharmacy career was served at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and it was during those 36 years that many of the major modern approaches to hospital pharmacy practice and education were established in the Department of Pharmaceutical Services.