About Us
2024-25 CSHP SK Branch Council Members
President-Elect |
Amy Soubolsky |
President |
Katherine Sokulski |
Past-President |
Kaitlyn Tress |
Secretary |
Zack Dumont |
Advocacy Representative |
Melissa Kucey |
Awards Committee Chair | Katherine Neil |
Branch Delegate |
Richard Cashin |
Communication Co-Chairs |
Jillian Madey |
Education Services Committee Co-Chairs |
Emily Zerr |
Pharmacy Assocation of Saskatchewan (PAS) Conference Planning CSHP Representative |
Pharmacy Assocation of Saskatchewan (PAS) Liaison |
Carolyn Gray |
Small Hospital Co-Representatives |
Kelsey Digout |
Student Co-Representatives |
Alyssa Powell (Junior) |
Technician | Naomi Braaten |
Treasurer |
Lauren Leuken |
Banff Seminar Representative | Tara Rousseaux |
Fundraising Coordinator | Maria Sherring fundraising.sk@cshp.ca |
PostScript Editors | Celynn Elder Wynnette Go |