About Us
CSHP SK Branch Council Members (By Position)
President , Vision Portfolio (Finance, Education, Advocacy), Policy and Planning Chair |
Steven Kary |
Past-President, Internal Portfolio (Awards, Communications, Small Hospitals) |
Kirsten Tangedal |
President Elect, External Portfolio (SCPP Liaison, PAS Liaisons, Branch Delegate, Student Representatives) |
Kaitlyn Tress |
Advocacy Representative |
Brenna Gallagher |
Secretary |
Samantha Cunningham |
Treasurer |
Lori Friesen |
Branch Delegate |
Richard Cashin |
Awards Committee Chair |
Taylor Raiche |
Communications Co-Chairs |
Kassie Stahl |
Education Services Committee Co-Chairs |
Jada Baker |
Pharmacists' Association of Saskatchewan Liaison |
Alex Crawley |
PAS Conference Planning Committee CSHP Representative |
Jordan Kalesnikoff |
Postscript Editor |
Emily Zerr |
Small Hospital Co-Representatives |
Matthew Walliser |
Senior Student Representative |
Jacqueline Tian-Tran |
Junior Student Representative |
Emylia Anthony |
Fundraising Coordinator |
Maria Sherring |
Banff Seminar Representative | Kacey Yee-Sellar |