About Us

CSHP SK Branch Council Members (By Position)

President , Vision Portfolio (Finance, Education, Advocacy), Policy and Planning Chair 

Steven Kary

Past-President, Internal Portfolio (Awards, Communications, Small Hospitals)

Kirsten Tangedal

President Elect, External Portfolio (SCPP Liaison, PAS Liaisons, Branch Delegate, Student Representatives)

Kaitlyn Tress

Advocacy Representative

Brenna Gallagher


Samantha Cunningham


Lori Friesen

Branch Delegate

Richard Cashin

Awards Committee Chair

Taylor Raiche

Communications Co-Chairs 

Kassie Stahl
Amy Soubolsky

Education Services Committee Co-Chairs

Jada Baker
Kacey Yee-Sellar

Pharmacists' Association of Saskatchewan Liaison

Alex Crawley

PAS Conference Planning Committee CSHP Representative

Jordan Kalesnikoff

Postscript Editor

Emily Zerr

Small Hospital Co-Representatives

Matthew Walliser
Vicki La

Senior Student Representative

Jacqueline Tian-Tran

Junior Student Representative

Emylia Anthony

Fundraising Coordinator

Maria Sherring

Banff Seminar Representative Kacey Yee-Sellar