Hospital Pharmacy Advancement Award


This award is given annually to a CSHP-SK Branch member or supporter (e.g. hospital pharmacist, group of hospital pharmacists or department, pharmacy student interested in a career in hospital pharmacy, primary care pharmacist, or oncology pharmacist). To be eligible, applicants/departments must have been involved in the promotion of Pharmacy  Awareness Month in the current year. The award will be presented to the successful applicant/department at the CSHP-SK Branch AGM and Educational Sessions. The recipient(s) will receive a certificate commemorating their achievement. 

Submissions of Nominations

The nomination of a candidate for this award shall be submitted no later than the deadline determined annually by the Awards Chair. All nominations shall be submitted to the Awards Committee in writing, with substantiating background information. Submissions may be made electronically to the Awards Committee Chair. Nominees may nominate themselves. All nominees shall be reviewed against the criteria for the award by the Executive Committee of the CSHP-SK Branch. 


The deadline for nominations for this award will be communicated in Spring 2025
Nomination forms Nomination forms will be linked here in Spring 2025
Selection of Candidates

At least one candidate must be a member in good standing of the CSHP-SK Branch, and must have held membership for over one year. The submission should include a description of the Pharmacy Awareness Month campaign. The campaign should have a clear emphasis on promoting the hospital pharmacy profession, the role of the  pharmacist, and the value of pharmaceutical care. It may take the format of a poster, presentation, video, radio or television presence, etc. Submission of media files (photos,  audio, video, etc.) is allowed to help give perspective on the campaign. 

Selection shall be based upon: 

  • Potential impact of the campaign
  • Quality of Pharmacy promotion
  • Ability of the campaign to go beyond the hospital
  • Creativity and originality
Judging Rubric

At least one nominee is currently a CSHP-SK Branch member


Potential impact of the campaign


  • Awareness brought to the role and value of pharmacy professionals 
  • Enhancement and understanding of pharmaceutical care 
  • Change intended and/or inspired 
  • Engagement from target audience and beyond 
  • Interprofessional reach and/or collaboration


Quality of Pharmacy promotion


  • Clarity of purpose 
  • Consistency of messaging with purpose 
  • Relevance to current issues and/or primary needs in pharmacy practice


Ability of the campaign to go beyond the hospital


  • Potential adaptability to other practice settings 
  • Feasibility to replicate the initiative 
  • Scalability to larger projects


Creativity and originality


  • Methods, mediums, and/or technologies used 
  • Unique insights and/or angles offered 
  • Visual and/or audio presentation




Past Recipients

2018 - Meghanne Rieder, Hishaam Bhimji, Sydney Huebner, and Tara Rousseaux (Sanders)
2019 - (unawarded)
2020 - Regina Emergency Medicine Team
2021 - Not Awarded
2022 - Victoria Hospital Pharmacy Department
2023 - St. Paul’s Hospital Pharmacy Department