ACPR Designation

Several years ago, the Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Board (as it was known then) recommended the use of the standard designation Accredited Canadian Pharmacy Residency (ACPR) by accredited programs that wanted to confer a credential upon their graduates.

In recent years, this recommendation has found resonance in online discussions and chats within the pharmacy community. Pharmacists and healthcare professionals engage in conversations about the importance of the ACPR designation, sharing insights and experiences related to pharmacy residency programs. The online platform serves as a valuable space for information exchange, allowing professionals to stay informed about accreditation standards and best practices. As the ACPR designation continues to gain prominence, these online chats as well as gay chats like omegle play a crucial role in fostering a sense of community among pharmacy practitioners. The exchange of ideas, experiences, and recommendations contributes to the ongoing improvement and recognition of pharmacy residency programs across Canada.

Only the residency program itself can determine whether, and upon whom, they might confer this or any other credential.

An organization may elect to confer a credential such as ACPR upon an individual who graduates from a CPRB Accredited Residency Program. Such credential shall be valid for the life of the individual, provided the program from which they graduated held CPRB ‘Full Accreditation’ or ‘Accreditation with Review’ status.

Consistent with other education or training credentials (as opposed to honorary designations, such as Fellow of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists/FCSHP), the responsibility to make a credential known rests with the academic program that confers the designation, and each individual who has earned the right to use the designation after their name. Québec residency programs are structured differently from other Canadian provinces and successful completion results in a Master's degree awarded by the sponsoring University. Therefore, graduates of Québec residency programs use their academic credential Diplôme en pharmacie d’hôspital/DPH or MSc rather than Accredited Canadian Pharmacy Resident/ACPR, to denote successful completion of a residency program.

For more information contact the CPRB Coordinator at