Application for Grants

CSHP Foundation 2023 Research Grant Competition

Announcing the 2023 Research Grant Competition

The CSHP Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 Research Grant Competition. The Foundation is committed to supporting CSHP members in research that advances pharmacy practice and patient care in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings. It also encourages grant recipients to present and publish their findings thereby raising the profile of quality research being conducted by CSHP members.

The CSHP Foundation has allocated $10,000 to support research project(s) for the current competition. More than one grant submission may be successful if the funding amount does not exceed the $10,000 allocated for this competition. The CSHP Foundation Research Committee will adjudicate eligible submissions based on established criteria and make recommendations for funding to the Board. Novice researchers are also encouraged to apply (see definition of novice researchers in the Criteria and Submissions Check List).

New: The CSHP Foundation Research Committee have created a tool on how to prepare a grant submission - see below.

Submissions require the following components:

  1. Criteria and Submissions Check List (please use this template)

  2. Research Proposal

  3. Budget and Justification (please use this template)

  4. Completed Signature Page (please use this template)

  5. Proof of Institutional Review Committee/Research Ethics Board

  6. CV of the applicant and each investigator

APPLY: To apply for a 2023 Research Grant, please submit all application documents to Applications must include components 1-5 in one PDF file and component 6 (i.e. CVs) in a separate PDF file.

QUESTIONS: Please direct inquiries to the CSHP Foundation Research Committee Chair, Marisa Battistella at 
DEADLINE DATE: Submissions must be received by October 16, 2023.

Grant decisions will be announced in January 2024.

Additional Information for Research Grant Applications

a graphic with the title Grant writing 101 - Tips for the CSHP Foundation 2023 Research Grant Competition. It has the headshots of our 4 panellists (left to right): Heather Naylor, Katelyn Halpape, Marisa Battistella, and David Williamson. There is also a button that reads watch now and a lock signifying that it is a CSHP member-only resource.