CSHP Ontario Branch Awards Application Form
Deadline for submissions: Sunday, July 14, 2024 by 5:00 pm ET
The Scott Walker Research Award
This grant is available for research projects deemed vital to the practice of pharmacy in Ontario health care organizations. The research need not be highly complex: the emphasis will be placed on its usefulness in general practice. The purpose of this grant is to help offset the material costs of doing a study or survey.
The Ontario Branch Patient Care Grant
This grant is available to support a pharmacist/group of pharmacists who wish to evaluate the impact of a patient care initiative or support the implementation of a new patient care initiative at their organization. For example:
- Acquire additional skills or training that will enable them to assess health-related outcomes in their patients (e.g. through program evaluation, a needs assessment, or economic analysis);
- Acquire additional pharmacy staff to permit monitoring of outcomes, to purchase technology, or to secure expert services in statistics or program development.