
Date Milestone
  • Isabel Stauffer requested that the Canadian Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties (CCPF) succeeded by Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) work with the education committee of Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) to establish a program for hospital pharmacy internships. 
  • Joint subcommittee formed with two members each from Canadian Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties (CCPF) and Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP).
  • An appropriate set of standards was developed by CSHP Board on Approval was established with two members each from Canadian Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties (CCPF) and Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) and with the chairman to be an active member of both organizations. 
  • Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Board established at Vancouver meeting of Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) as the Board of Approval of Hospitals for Hospital Pharmacy Residency Programs in Canada.
  • First meeting of the new board.
  • Statement on Accreditation of Internships in Hospital Pharmacy in Canadian Hospitals was distributed to hospital organizations, pharmacy associations, schools of pharmacy, the pharmaceutical press etc.
  • Five hospitals with internship programs were asked to take part in a pilot study to evaluate application forms approved by the Board.
  • Board was also in process of preparing a “Guide for Pharmacy Internship Programs in Hospitals"
  • Pharmacy Internship Program had begun to take form. This program was the result of seven years’ work, and the full legislation was not yet complete. 
  • Canadian Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties (CCPF) approved a motion emanating from Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) to change the name of the Hospital Pharmacy Internship to Residency.
  • Residency Board name becomes Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Board (CHPRB).  
  • Permanent office for Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) established at Canadian Pharmaceutical Association Building in Toronto.
  • A residency program in hospital pharmacy commenced at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto on Jun 15, 1967 in co-operation with the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. 
  • Full report included proposals for a survey of hospital pharmacy residency programs in Canada.
  • Hospital Pharmacy Residency Awards available.
  • Postgraduates residencies in pharmacy and the accreditation of residency training programs were explored in depth at ASHP’s Conference on Pharmacy Residency Training and Accreditation on Aug 26-9. 70 pharmacists, pharmacy residents and others, including representatives from several national health care organizations attend the meeting. Dr. William Seldon, a nationally recognized expert in accreditation and certification, pointed out that costs of accreditation will increase sharply because of inflation and a larger number of programs seeking accredited status. He also spoke on the need for shared control over accrediting programs. “unless the professions wish to see accreditation, and other similar control mechanisms, be assumed by government” (1973, p. 272).
  • Successful invitational seminar held at the annual meeting in Ottawa.
  • Eight regions with Residency Programs: Alberta, BC, Laval, Maritimes, Montreal, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba.
  • First Accreditation Program Manual printed.
  • National recognition and accreditation of hospital pharmacy residency programs. Board received applications for accreditation from 32 of the 42 programs in Canada. The 32 programs were evaluated and the Deans, Coordinators and Directors of the programs are being notified of the results. A manual describing all the programs was prepared and plans called for accreditation of these to be done every two years. CSHP became the headquarters for CHPRB and provides administrative assistance to the Board.
  • CHPRB found a permanent home in the CSHP office with secretarial services being provided. Had its second accreditation meeting. 11 new programs and 2 specialty programs were evaluated and 25 programs were re-evaluated. The results of the accreditation meetings would soon be known and the necessary revisions for the Accreditation Program Manual were being prepared.
  • CHPRB accredited Standards moved from curriculum based to competency based standards.
  • The first Advanced (Year 2) pharmacy residency programs are accredited in the fall of 2019 - Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services Year 2 Critical Care program and the UHN/McGill Advanced HIV program.