CPRB Surveyor Profiles

According to the policies and procedures of the Canadian Pharmacy Residency Board, site surveys are carried out by members of the CPRB Board or individuals designated by the Board who are members of the Surveyors Subgroup.


Leslie Manuel, BScPhm, ACPR, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacy Manager
Horizon Health Network
The Moncton Hospital, Pharmacy
135 MacBeath Street
Moncton, NB, E1C 6Z8

Leslie Manuel is a Clinical Resource Pharmacist in Emergency Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy Manager at The Moncton Hospital. She graduated from Dalhousie University College of Pharmacy, completed a residency at The Moncton Hospital and completed her PharmD with the University of Florida. After her residency she started a practice in emergency medicine. She was the residency coordinator for 7 years prior to becoming the Clinical Pharmacy Manager and continues to regularly precept students and residents. She continues to be involved provincially and nationally with CSHP. She is the co-chair of the CPRB Surveyors working group.


E-mail: leslie.manuel@horizonnb.ca

Phone: 506-857-5353

Fax: 506-857-5540


Jennifer Bolt, BScPharm, ACPR, PharmD, MHA

Research & Development Pharmacist
Seniors' Care/Pharmacy Practice Models
Interior Health Authority
2255 Ethel Street

Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2Z9

Jennifer Bolt completed her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy at the University of British Columbia in 2006. She went on to complete a Hospital Pharmacy Residency in Fraser Health Authority in 2007, Doctor of Pharmacy from UBC in 2009 and Masters of Health Administration from the University of Regina in 2019. Jennifer worked in Kelowna, BC as a Cardiology Pharmacy Specialist from 2009 to 2013 after which she moved to Regina, SK. Employed by the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, Jennifer worked as the Residency and Education Coordinator for three years and the Manger of Research and Development for one year. In 2017, Jennifer moved back to Kelowna, BC and is currently working as a Research & Development Pharmacist. She teaches in the UBC Entry to Practice and Flex PharmD programs and precepts pharmacy residents and pharmacy students.  She is a Clinical Assistant Professor (Partner) with the University of British Columbia.


Email: Jennifer.Bolt@interiorhealth.ca

Phone: 250-212-8143


Cathy Burger, BScPhm, ACPR

Clinical Pharmacist/Residency Coordinator
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
50 Charlton Ave E
Hamilton, ON, L8N 4A6

Cathy Burger is a clinical pharmacist in renal transplant and the residency coordinator at St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario. She graduated from the University of Toronto and went on to complete a residency at Mount Sinai Hospital. She worked at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver and then returned to Mount Sinai to cover internal medicine. Cathy does some consulting and is actively involved in the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada OSCE examination. Cathy is a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

E-mail: cburger@stjoes.ca

Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 33808

Roxane Carr, BSc, BSc(Pharm), ACPR, PharmD, BCPS, FCSHP

Clinical Coordinator, Department of Pharmacy, Children's & Women's Health Centre of BC
Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services
Assistant Professor, part-time, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
4500 Oak Street, room 0B7
Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1

Roxane Carr is the Clinical Coordinator of the Pharmacy Department at the Children’s and Women’s Health Centre of BC, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist for Pediatric Critical Care, and an Assistant Professor, part-time, in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, British Columbia. She completed a BSc in Pharmacy at UBC, a Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Practice Residency at Vancouver General Hospital, a post-baccalaureate PharmD degree at UBC, and a post-doctoral research fellowship in Pediatric Pharmacotherapy at The Ohio State University. Her primary area of practice is Pediatric Critical Care. She is a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

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Email: rcarr@cw.bc.ca

Phone: 250-212-8143


Zack Dumont, BSP, ACPR, MS (Pharm), DPLA, FCSHP

Manager of Pharmacy Practice (Regina)
Department of Pharmacy Services
4F19, Pasqua Hospital
4101 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, SK S4T 1A5

Zack has embraced diverse roles that merge clinical expertise with educational leadership and organizational management. As the Manager of Pharmacy Practice (Regina), Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), he is committed to optimizing patient care outcomes through strategic planning, resource allocation, and team development. Simultaneously, his role with the RxFiles and the National Resource Centre for Academic Detailing (NaRCAD) empowers him to shape best practices in academic detailing education and training, fostering a culture of evidence-based practice and continuous learning. In addition to his professional and academic responsibilities, he actively contributes to professional organizations and committees, and is a past president of CSHP. These involvements underscore his commitment to advancing pharmacy practice, promoting professional development, and advocating for healthcare access and equity.

Zack graduated as a pharmacist in 2008. Following graduation, he completed a hospital pharmacy residency with the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region. Zack is certified in website design and development, has participated in multiple evidence-based medicine training programs, and formally studied pharmacy leadership with several institutions. Zack holds a Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan (2008) and Master Degree in Pharmacy Leadership from the University of Cincinnati (2018). 

Email: zack.dumont@saskhealthauthority.ca

Phone: 306-766-2524


Barb Evans, BSP, ACPR, MSc, FCSHP

Clinical Manager
Royal University Hospital - Saskatoon Area, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Pharmacy Department
103 Hospital Drive
Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W8


Barb Evans is a Clinical Manager with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon Area. She is responsible for clinical pharmacy services in the areas of adult medicine, oncology, and emergency. She has been the Coordinator for the Saskatoon Area’s Pharmacy Residency Program since 1999 and oversees Structured Practice Experiences for pharmacy students from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan. She is also a Clinical Assistant Professor with the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan.

Barb completed her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan followed by a Hospital Pharmacy Residency at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. She later completed a Master of Science degree in Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan and is a fellow with the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. Barb has been actively involved with volunteer professional organizations including the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, at a provincial and national level. She is a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

E-mail: barb.evans@saskhealthauthority.ca

Phone: 306-655-2268


Curtis Harder, BSc(Pharm), ACPR, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Adult ICU
Victoria General Hospital
1 Hospital Way
Victoria, British Columbia, V8Z 6R5

Curtis Harder completed a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy degree at the University of British Columbia (2000), a hospital pharmacy residency at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver in 2001, and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the University of British Columbia (2007). Curtis has a combination of clinical and leadership experience. He served as the Coordinator for Pharmacy Education & Practice Residency (2011-17) at Island Health and as Clinical Coordinator for Pharmacy at Victoria General Hospital (2017-22), and he has come full circle and is currently working (again) as the Clinical Pharmacy Specialist for Adult Intensive Care at the Victoria General Hospital.

Curtis has been a member of the Canadian Pharmacy Residency Board (2013-2019) and is currently CSHP’s representative for the Canadian Council for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (2019-present). He loves working directly with learners and continues to serve as an active preceptor for pharmacy residents and students in both clinical and research settings. Curtis has an appointment with the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences as a Clinical Assistant Professor and is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists.

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Phone:  250-217-3291


Christine Landry, BPharm, MSc, PharmD, BCPS

Clinical Pharmacist Specialist
St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto

Hôpital Montfort
713, Chemin Montreal Road

Ottawa, ON, K1K 0T2

Christine Landry is a pharmacy clinical and residency coordinator at the Hôpital Montfort for The Ottawa Hospital & Hôpital Montfort Joint Pharmacy Residency Program. She graduated from Université de Montréal with a bachelor in Pharmacy. She obtained a master degree with the same university doing a hospital pharmacy residency program in Montréal. After practicing for a few years, she completed a post-graduated PharmD program with the University of Denver Colorado. She has worked and taught in many clinical areas as a clinical pharmacist in critical care, internal medicine, and family medicine. She is also the project lead for the new PharmD program at the University of Ottawa. She is a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

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Email: clandry@montfort.on.ca

Phone: 613-746-4621 ext. 4711


Jean Lefebvre, BPharm, MSc (hosp), PhD

Faculté de pharmacie de l’Université Laval
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
1050, avenue de la Médecine, local 2698
Université Laval, Québec (Québec)
Canada G1V 0A6

Dr. Jean Lefebvre obtained his PhD at Université Laval after completing a fellowship in clinical pharmacology at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee in 2002. During his career as a hospital pharmacist at the CHU de Québec, he has been involved in various clinical research projects in the field of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, publishing several articles and participating in various national and international meetings. Dr. Lefebvre is currently Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Université Laval. He was the Dean of the faculty between 2011 and 2019, and the Director of the master’s degree in Advanced Pharmacotherapy between 2008 and 2011. He is a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

E-mail: Jean.Lefebvre@pha.ulaval.ca

Phone: 418-656-2131 poste 405639

Fax: 418-656-3266


Erika MacDonald, BSc, ACPR, MSc, PharmD

Pharmacist Professional Practice Coordinator
The Ottawa Hospital – Civic Campus
1053 Carling Ave
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9

Erica MacDonald graduated with a B.Sc.Pharm from Dalhousie University in 2006 and completed a hospital pharmacy residency at the Ottawa Hosiptal in 2007. She has since been working at the Ottawa Hospital as a pharmacists in general medicine as well as critical care more recently, and Professional Practice Coordinatoras of 2012. She completed a MsSc. In Epidemiology as the University of Ottawa in 2015, and a PharmD at the University of Toronto in 2019. She has an affiliation with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute as a Clinician Investigator, with research interests including knowledge synthesis and medication safety. She recently moved into a residency coordinator and Acting Clinical Manager at the Ottawa Hospital.

E-mail: erimacdonald@toh.on.ca

Phone: 613-737-8899


Cindy Natsheh, BScPharm, ACPR, PharmD

Education & Residency Coordinator, Department of Pharmacy
University Health Network
R. Fraser Elliott Building, 2nd Floor
Pharmacy Administrative Offices
190 Elizabeth Street

Toronto, ON, M5G 2C4

Cindy Natsheh graduated from pharmacy from the University of Toronto, completed a general hospital residency at the University Health Network (UHN) and a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Colorado.  Cindy has worked in diverse inpatient and ambulatory patient care areas at UHN including cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, general internal medicine, pre-admission, traumatic brain injury and post-discharge medicine clinics.  Currently she is an education coordinator at UHN providing leadership and support to preceptors and learners.  She has been a residency co-coordinator for UHN's Year 1 and Year 2 programs since 2008.


Email: cindy.natsheh@uhn.ca

Phone: 416-340-4800 ext. 8519


Marc Perreault, MSc, PharmD, BCPS, FCSHP

Full Clinical Professor
Université de Montréal 2940, Chemin de la Polytechnique C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville Montréal, QC, H3C 3J7

Marc Perreault graduated from his Bachelor of Pharmacy at Université de Montréal in 1988 and completed a hospital residency at Hôpital Saint-Luc in Montreal in 1989. He obtained his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, New York and subsequently completed a 2-year research fellowship in cardiovascular pharmacology at Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal. He worked at the Ottawa General Hospital from 1994 to 2001 as a critical care specialist after which he moved to Montréal for a joint position with the Faculty of Pharmacy as well as the McGill University Health Center. In 2007, he became the director of the master’s program and under his leadership; the program underwent significant changes to comply with the 2010 CPRB standards as well as to be in continuum with the implementation of the entry-level PharmD. He stepped down as the director of the master’s program in 2016. He is currently a Full Clinical Professor; continues to be a critical care pharmacist and he is involved with the Faculty’s own accreditation committee. He is also associate editor of the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy.

E-mail: marc.perreault@umontreal.ca

Phone: 514-343-6111 ext. 3788


Gisia Pisegna, BScPharm

Pharmacy Services
Réseau de Santé Horizon Health Network, The Moncton Hospital
135 MacBeath Ave
Moncton, NB, E1C 6Z8

Gisia Pisegna is a clinical pharmacist in medical/surgical and neuro critical care and a residency preceptor at The Moncton Hospital. She graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Dalhousie University and completed a hospital residency at The Ottawa Hospital. Gisia is a member of the Research and Ethics Board for Horizon Health Network. Prior to critical care, she practiced in oncology and served as a member of the Provincial Oncology Drug Formulary Advisory Committee. She is a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.


E-mail: gisia.pisegna@horizonnb.ca

Phone: 506-857-5335 ext. 7


Bonnie Ralph, BPharm, RPh, ACPR

Research & Clinical Lead Pharmacist and Residency Coordinator
Kingston Health Sciences
76 Stuart Street

Kingston, ON, K7L 2V7

Bonnie is a Clinical Lead Pharmacist at the Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC), currently providing direct patient care to surgery patients as well as coordinating undergraduate student in addition to residency training for the PGYI residency at KHSC since 2001. She has seen the program grow from 2 to 4 residents per year over this time. She worked briefly in the province of Alberta at the Misericordia Hospital in 1998-1999. Bonnie obtained a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Ottawa in 1989. She completed her Bachelors of Pharmacy at the Universite of Montreal in 1993 and her Hospital Pharmacy Residency at the Kingston General Hospital in 1994.

Bonnie has served on the executive of the Pharmacy Residency Forum of Ontario (PRFO) collaborating with the other programs to improve and support residency training in Ontario and is passionate about teaching and training new pharmacists. She actively precepts pharmacy residents and students as part of her clinical practice.

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Email: Bonnie.Ralph@kingstonhsc.ca

Phone: 613-549-6666 ext. 6897


Caitlin Richler, BScH, PharmD, ACPR

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator and Residency Coordinator Hôpital Montfort
713 Chemin Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 0T2

Assistant Clinical Professor
École des sciences pharmaceutiques
Faculté de médecine, Université d’Ottawa
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M2

After completing her PharmD at the University of Toronto, Caitlin completed a hospital pharmacy residency at the University Health Network in Toronto, before moving to Ottawa. Since 2017, she has worked at Hôpital Montfort, where she is currently the Pharmacy Clinicial and Residency Coordinator and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, practicing primarily in critical care. Caitlin is also a Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Medicine.

Email: caitlinrichler@montfort.on.ca

Phone: 613-746-4621 ext. 4711


Nancy Sheehan, BPharm, MSc.

Research & Associate Clinical Professor
Faculté de pharmacie, Université de Montréal and Pharmacy Department, Chronic Viral Illness Service, and Québec Antiretroviral Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program
McGill University Health Centre
1001 boul. Décarie, C-RC 6004

Montréal, Québec H4A 3J1

Nancy Sheehan completed a Bachelor's in Pharmacy and a Masters in Hospital Pharmacy (1989) at Université Laval. After practicing a few years as a clinical pharmacist in a regional hospital in northern Québec (Sept-Iles), she went on to do a specialty residency in HIV at Toronto General Hospital / St. Michael’s Hospital / University of Toronto (2001-2002). She then joined the Chronic Viral Illness Service of the McGill University Health Center and developed an ambulatory pharmaceutical care service and the Québec Antiretroviral Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program. Nancy is also an Associate Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Université de Montréal where she teaches on viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. She actively participated in the development and implementation of the entry-level PharmD and PharmD bridging program at U. Montréal. Nancy is also involved in clinical and pharmacokinetic research in HIV and hepatitis C.

Nancy offers clinical rotations to entry-level PharmD students and MSc (advanced pharmacotherapy) and HIV specialty residents, and since 2008 she is co-director of the HIV Specialty Residency (with Dr. Alice Tseng, Toronto General Hospital). Nancy is an active member of the CPRB, the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Research Committee, and the Co-Chair of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

Email: nancy.sheehan@umontreal.ca

Phone: 514-934-1934 ext. 32169

Barb Thomas, PharmD, FCSHP

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist and Residency Coordinator
Eastern Integrated Regional Health Authority
306 Waterford Bridge Rd
St. John’s, NL, A1E 4J8


Barbara Thomas is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Eastern Health in St. John’s NL. She is the first Residency Coordinator for Eastern Health’s Residency Program which began in July 2018. She is also a Clinical Assistant Professor with the School of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine (Discipline of Psychiatry) at Memorial University. Following several years of clinical practice in acute care inpatient mental health, she completed her PharmD through the University of Colorado in 2010. She continues to practice in mental health as a consultant pharmacist in an ambulatory mental health clinic and teaches in this area to undergraduate pharmacy students and psychiatry residents. In addition to Barbara’s clinical coordinator role, she also coordinates advanced placement practice experiences for both ELPD and WPPD programs at Eastern Health.

Barbara has been actively involved in the pharmacy profession over the course of her career. She is a long-standing member of CSHP having served as President of the NL Branch and Delegate to the National Board as well as the current Chair of NL Branch Awards Committee. She is a CSHP Fellow and past recipient of the Isabel E. Stauffer Meritorious Service Award. She is also the current Past-President of the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP). Barbara is excited to be a member of the CPRB Surveyors working group.

E-mail: barbara.thomas@easternhealth.ca

Phone: 709-777-3550