The Match
PRAMS performs a computerized match according to an applicant-proposing algorithm; (i.e., it matches first according to the applicants’ choices and secondly according to the programs’ choices). The result of the match is that each applicant and each program receives their most preferred position possible. For more information on how this works, see The Match Explained.
After the match by programs is complete, programs are free to recruit for remaining positions from any resource. All programs are asked to notify the CPRB Coordinator of all accepted positions (both through the national match, and other means).
Vacant positions. Sometimes, vacant positions will remain after the match, and some applicants will be left unmatched. In PRAMS, applicants will be asked if they would like their application provided to programs with unmatched positions. Following the Match, programs may contact these unmatched applicants to fill available positions.
Obligation to accept the match. If, for some reason, the match is undesirable for either the candidate or the program, then both parties should meet to discuss. There is no obligation to accept the residency program or the applicant. However the decision to decline a residency applicant or position should be made only for exceptional circumstances and must be carefully considered.
The CPRB is responsible for establishing the policies of the matching service and for monitoring the implementation of the matching service. Administration and conduct of the CPRB Pharmacy Residency Application and Matching Service is carried out by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists on behalf of the CPRB.