Antimicrobial Stewardship
CSHP Position Statement
CSHP's Canadian Medication Optimization Briefing on Antimicrobial Stewardship
- A peer-reviewed 2-page brief on Antimicrobial Stewardship to use as a quick reference.
External Resources
Unless otherwise noted, the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) does not endorse or imply endorsement of the resources provided here.
These resources are provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. It is the responsibility of the user of the resource to judge its suitability for his or her particular purpose within the context of his or her practice and the applicable legislative framework. In no event shall CSHP or any persons involved in providing the resource be liable for damages arising from its use.
Resources are free unless otherwise indicated.
Websites and Apps
- Infectious Diseases Society of America Practice Guidelines. This is an American resource. Provides clinical practice guidelines on infectious disease topics. e.g., treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria.
- Choosing Wisely Canada antibiotic campaign. Has resources ranging from a "Viral Prescription Pad" to posters for patient waiting rooms.
- Do Bugs Need Drugs? website. A program of Alberta Health Services and the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control. Offers resources for health professionals such as antibiograms.
- Pan-Canadian Public Health Network Antimicrobial Stewardship Final Report (2016) . "The Communicable and Infectious Disease Steering Committee (CIDSC) Task Group on Antimicrobial Use (AMU) Stewardship was mandated by the CIDSC to elaborate the stewardship component of a pan Canadian approach, identify potential sub-components and activities as well as mechanisms for promoting stewardship across jurisdictions."
- Public Health Ontario Antimicrobial Stewardship website. Offers resources to promote antimicrobial stewardship in different settings, such as Long Term Care.
- Public Health Ontario Ontario Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Comparison Tool. Offers data on Ontario hospitals use of antibiotics, local antibiograms, and other resources.
- Bugs and Drugs app. A resource supported by Alberta Health Services which offers information on the treatment of infectious diseases. Cost: $14.99.
- Sanford Guide to Antimicrobials app. Provides antibiotic spectrum of activity information, via mobile and web platforms institutions are able to do things such as display local treatment guidelines at the top of Sanford Guide content pages. Cost varies.
- Spectrum App. Delivers local antimicrobial stewardship guidelines, resistance data and dosing information. Data only available for certain locations.
- Why Antimicrobial Stewardship is Important (a short animated video produced by the Mount Sinai Hospital – University Health Network Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in 2013)
Hospital Pharmacy Success Stories from Across Canada
- Antimicrobial Stewardship Backgrounders: Connecting Pharmacists with Prescribers
S Fryters and J Slobodan, AB Branch Contest 2014 entry
Posters (member-only content)
- Impact of an Antibiotic Stewardship Audit and Feedback Program on a General Internal Medicine Ward: A Before and After Study. Anna Lee, BScPhm Pharm D, Susan John, BScPhm MD FRCP (C), Reena Lovinsky, MD FRCP(C). The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Webinars (member-only content)
Please note you must be logged in as a member to view the webinar.
Residency Training
Alberta Health Services and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre offer Year 2 Pharmacy Residency programs in the area of antimicrobial stewardship.
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