Primary Care

Residency Training


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External Resources

Unless otherwise noted, the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) does not endorse or imply endorsement of the resources provided here.

These resources are provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. It is the responsibility of the user of the resource to judge its suitability for his or her particular purpose within the context of his or her practice and the applicable legislative framework. In no event shall CSHP or any persons involved in providing the resource be liable for damages arising from its use.

Resources are free unless otherwise indicated. 

Websites and Apps

  • Micromedex app. Free for Internet subscribers of Micromedex. Provides comprehensive drug information, including information on drug interactions. 
  • RxFiles app. Free app with an online subscription to RxFiles. Comparative drug tables for the treatment of various conditions. 
  • Choosing Wisely app. Offers information relevant to campaigns operated by Choosing Wisely Canada. 
  • MedCalx. Free but has in-app purchases available. A medical calculator. 
  • Read by QxMD. A personalized medical journal based on your area of interest. Also offers the ability to search PubMed, share articles with colleagues, etc. 
  • Calculate by QxMd. A medical calculator. 
  • About Herbs. Produced by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, this app offers information on botanicals, supplements, complementary therapies, and others. Information provided includes drug interaction information, adverse effects, and information for healthcare providers and consumers. 
  • UWaterloo Pharmacy 5 in 5. Have to create a free account to access this platform. An online learning platform for pharmacy professionals featuring educational materials on current topics of interest. 
  • SwitchRx. Have to create a free account to access this platform. Provides information on the adjustment of psychotropic treatment regimens. E.g., tapering, switching, etc. 
  • Hypertension Canada. Offers clinical practice guidelines, information on recommended devices, etc. 
  • International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers. A not-for-profit association that provides members with access to medical assistance while travelling. Free travel health information for patients. Books for sale, including The Older Traveller - A guide for the health professional.
  • Pharmacist Resources used at the UBC Pharmacists Clinic (e.g., tools and templates from the UBC Pharmacists Clinic).
  • BC Take Home Naloxone program. Video and resources from Toward the Heart, a service of the BC Centre for Disease Control, 2017. Information on how BC residents can obtain a free naloxone kit. 
  • Clinical Guide to Probiotic Products Available in Canada. Provides information on indication, dosage forms, and clinical evidence for various probiotic products available in Canada. 
  • MedStopper. A tool to help clinicians and patients make decisions about reducing or stopping medications.

For more deprescribing resources, check out our "Geriatrics" tab to your left. 

Pharmacists in primary care

How to Join the Primary Care PSN

The Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network (PSN) is a joint PSN between CSHP and the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA). 

Here is an outline to create your online profile on the Primary Care PSN within the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists community, powered by

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Verify your email address (check junk/spam if an email from QID if it isn't in your main inbox)
  4. Create a password
  5. Engage with your colleagues in the Primary Care PSN powered by QID!

Check out the CSHP user guide to get acquainted with the QID platform and visit PSN Communities to view all other PSN Networks.