Fees and Application Requirements

It is critical that your application be complete at the application deadline. Any incomplete application will render the applicant ineligible to apply to any program.

Current fees: 
Applicant fee is $275 for up to 5 programs.   

- Each additional program is $25, there is no limit to the number of programs 
- Any application to one or more program in British Columbia is required to pay an additional $50 fee 


Refer to Sample Application Documents for the current version of the application and reference forms.

Note - this application form is only for reference and can't be used to apply. Only applications through the PRAMS website are accepted.

Documents: The application process requires that you submit the following documents:

  • Unofficial transcript from your pharmacy program (mandatory) - must include student name/ student number/ numerical marks and/or letter grade for each course taken.
  • Unofficial (i.e. unsealed) transcripts in PDF are acceptable, provided they contain all information above.


Additional Required Documents: Some programs require additional information to assess applications. The program(s) you select will have the additional program requirements listed to upload in PRAMS. The additional required documents you upload will be attached to that program only.

References: During the application process you are expected to obtain 3 references. You will enter names and email addresses for each of your selected references into PRAMS which will automatically send an email invitation for them to complete a reference for you within the PRAMS system.

  • It is a good idea to contact your references in advance to confirm expectations and to confirm their availability to complete the reference form.
  • Be sure to select referees who know you well and who will comply with the application program’s deadline. If your application does not contain three complete references, it will be considered incomplete.

Time: The application process requires careful consideration and the uploading of documents. Be sure to set aside enough time to complete the application process. Do not leave the application to the last minute.