Université Laval, Faculté de pharmacie
Complexe intégré de formation en sciences de la santé (CIFSS)
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
1050, ave de la Médecine
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Karine Cloutier, B.Pharm, M.Sc, Pharm.D, BCPPS
Director of Program
Phone:418-656-2131 ext. 405576
Julie Fortier, B.Pharm, M.Sc.
Residency Coordinator
Phone: 418-656-2131 ext. 403114
Fax: 418-656-7315
Email: pha@pha.ulaval.ca
Phone: 418-656-2131, ext. 403211
Fax: 418-656-7315
For program information, please visit the Université Laval, Faculté de pharmacie Residency webpage at: https://www.pha.ulaval.ca/etudes/programmes/maitrise-en-pharmacotherapie-avancee
- Program
Type: General
Focus: Advanced Pharmacotherapy
Established In: 1962
Number of Positions: 50
Application Deadline: March 1
Starting Date: Last week of August
Estimated Stipend: $55,000 or more ("Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux" du Québec, QC applicants) https://avenirensante.gouv.qc.ca/bourses-d-etudes/bourses-en-pharmacotherapie-avanceeBenefits: N/A
Vacation/Holiday Leave: 4 weeks
Education/Conference Leave: 50 hoursProgram Highlights:
Master degree in advanced pharmacotherapy (16 month program, 60 credits).
University program (master degree) designed to develop self-directed practitioners with advanced skills in pharmaceutical care. Emphasis on clinical, DI & practice foundation skills. Academic courses (critical care, immunology and cancer treatment, infectious diseases, introduction to advanced practice, sterile compounding) (15 credits) provided during first trimester of the program. Mandatory rotations and optional rotations during the residency (24 credits). Distribution activities in each rotation (2 credits). Also, a research project (9 credits) and a management project (3 credits) must be done by each team of residents. Communication skills to patients, other health care professionals and undergraduate students are also developed (6 credits). Finally, relationship with a mentor and self evaluation are built all year long (1 credit).
Core/Required Rotations:- Oncology (1 x 4 weeks)
- Critical Care (1 x 4 weeks)
- Emergency (1 x 4 weeks)
- Antimicrobial 1 x (4 weeks)
- Optional Rotations (4 x 4 weeks)
- Data Collection for Research Project (1 x 4 weeks)
- Distributions Activities in Each Rotation (9 x 5 days)
Elective Rotations:
Residents choose elective rotations from the following list (4 rotations, 4 weeks each)- Bariatric Surgery
- Cardiac Failure Clinic
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Family Medicine
- Geriatrics
- Hemodynamics
- Internal Medicine
- Neonatal Care
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Orthopedics
- Palliative Care
- Pediatrics
- Perinatal
- Poisoning Treatment
- Psychiatry
- Regional Hospital Rotation
- Rehabilitation
- Renal Failure Clinic
- Surgery and Analgesia
- Transplant
Required Credentials:
The candidate must have:
- a Bachelor in Pharmacy or an entry-level PharmD in pharmacy degree;
- an undergraduate pharmacy degree with clinical skill courses and pharmaceutical care oriented experience learning;
- a cumulative average grade of 3.00/4.33 or an equivalent;
- obtained a pharmacy practice licence in the province of Québec from the Québec licensing body (Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec);
- a result of 860/990 on the TFI (Test de français international);
- be fluent in both written and spoken French since all classes are taught in French;
- become a member of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) and the A.P.E.S. during residency
- complete a practice interest form and a selection interview.
- Organization
Type: Université Laval program, involving 13 sites with a complete residency program and other health centers (4- week rotation only)
Number of beds: varies according to site
Sites:- CHU de Québec (CHUL, Hôpital Saint-François d’Assise, Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement, Hôpital de l'Enfant-Jésus)
- Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec - Université Laval
- CISSS de Chaudières-Appalaches - Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis
- CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent - Hôpital de Rimouski
- CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean - Hôpital de Chicoutimi
- CISSS de la Montérégie-Est - Hôpital Pierre-Boucher
- CIUSSS de la Maurice-et-du-Centre-du-Québec
- CISSS de l’Outaouais
- CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
Affiliation: Université Laval
- Graduates
2023-2024 Fanny May Couture-Charron
Cassandra Denis
Catherine Denis
Roxanne Dion
Maëlie Dubois
Samuel Dugal
Léonie Gagnon
Maxime Joly
Sandra Labonté
Justine Laneuville
Camille Latour
Andrée-Anne Milot
Caroline Tremblay2022-2023
Félix Audet
Anne-Sophie Bard
Léanne Bellemare
Flavie Côté-Roy
Arianne Croteau
Alexane Dubé
Justine Falanga-Duchesneau
Émilien Fournier
Louis-Alexandre Hamel
Frédéricke Jeanson
Philippe Laferrière
Laury Lafreniere
Raphaël Lajeunesse-Cyr
Philippe Leblanc
Ann-Julie Lepage
Genesis Caisip Lobo
Ève Masse
Valérie Paquin
Geneviéve Parent
Gabrielle Plante
Alysson Renaud
Noémie Savard
Genevieve Vachon2021-2022
Nadia Akliouat
Marie-Laure Baroud
Maxence Beauchesne
Catherine Bédard
Clémentine Beucher
Laurie Carrier
Odélie-Rose Denis
Marianne Deslauriers
Camille Dion
Justine Drouin
Marie-Pier Durand
Sydney Elfassy
Charlotte Frappier
Isa-Kelly Gagnon
Ariane Gariépy
Camille Gaudreault
Mélissa Gaudreault
Béatrice Giroux
Madeleine Hardy-Pelletier
Catherine Hébert
Philip Khayat
Sébastien Larose
Amélia Lessard-Roy
Sarah-Maude Longchamps
Roxanne Marchand
Anne-Elisabeth Marois
Serge-Olivier Mercier
Rosalie Morin
Marie-Frédérique Noel
Noemie Parent
Arianne Pelletier
Sabrina Pothier
Gabrielle Rhéaume
Annabelle Roy
Kim Samuel-Paquette
Gabrielle St-Gelais
Marie-Eve St-Louis
Béatrice Szalay
Sophie Vincent
Vivianne Weitong Yao2020-2021 Jade Albert
Marie-Ève Beaulieu
Florence Bédard
Anne Bélanger
Cédric Bélanger
Gabrielle Bernier
Isabelle Boudreau
Roxanne Brière
Dannick Brochu
Julie Bureau
Laelia Caron
Noémie Delattre
Èmie Desruisseaux
Kelly Dodier
Sophie Dusablon
Sarahan Dussault
Alexandrine Frappier
Myriam Gagnon
Marianne Girard
Anne-Sophie Grondin
Laurence Guimond
Yannick Harvey
Catherine Isabelle
Elisabeth Larouche
Valérie Lavoie
Thérèse Mekhaiel
Jacynthe Ouellette
Cédric Pageau
Alicia Pelletier
Lydia Perron
Alexandra Plourde
François Métivier
Marie-Eve Poisson
Judith Potvin2019-2020
Marie-Ève Adam
Audrey Allard
Ibrahim Assaad
Laurent Béchard
Marc-Antoine Bérubé
Andréane Bouchard
Juliette Boudreau
Camille Boulanger
Joanie Chrétien
Alexandre D’Anjou
Rosalie Darveau
Philippe Douville-Dessureault Ariane Du Sault
Olivier Eap
Maryse Fortin
Marie-Ève Gagnon
Matthieu Gagnon
Laurence Garneau
Frédérique Harvey-Cyr
Mèryem Labidi
Mélanie Lachapelle
Jade Landry
Antoine Larochelle
Anne-Gabrielle Lavoie
Marie-Ève Lebreux
Sophie Paquet
Alexandra Parent
Maude Plante
Maude Plourde
Catherine Poitras
Andréanne Rompré
Stéphanie Roy
Alexandre Sanctuaire
Lorence St-Pierre
Camille Thibault
Marc-André Thivierge2018-2019
Carol-Anne Bédard
Stéphanie Blais-Lapointe Carolann Bolduc
Hubert Bouchard
Charles Bouffard
Raphaelle Boutin
Étienne Camiré-Bernier Gabrielle Chartrand-Lefebvre Cindy Chaussé
Guillaume Côté-Bellemare Maxime Desjardins
David Duchesneau-Poliquin Isabelle Dufresne
Sarah-Julie Gauthier
Louis Gauthier-Landry
Marie-Michelle Germain
Mary Ghattas
Ann-Frédérik Gosselin
Wen-Yuan Johnson Kuan
Jo-Annie Lafrenière
Rébecca Larouche
Audrey Larouche
Annick Martineau
Erwan Nidelet
Justine Pagé
Amélie Pelletier
Aurélie Plante-Proulx
Jessie Portelance
Coralie Robidoux
Camille Tougas2017-2018
Akram Nadir Bakhti
Victoria Bélanger-Trudel
Charles Etienne Bénard
Myriam Bernier-Tremblay
Florence Bilodeau-Savoie
Audrey Blais-Boilard
Alexandre Bouchard
Audrey Champagne
Olivier Corbeil
Stéphanie Corbeil
Maude Couture
Mélanie Fauteux-Brault
Laurence Guay
Gabriel-Joseph Helal
Ann-Sophie Laberge
Jessica Lachance
Marc-André Lupien
Alicia Maheux
Anne-Sophie Martin
Olivia Moore Blackburn
Tudor Muset
Alexandra Noël
Julie Poulin
Marie-Soleil Roy
Sophie Ruelland
Alexandra Simard-Pouliot
Francis St-Père
Alix Marilie Vaillancourt
Julien Valois-Demers2016-2017
Nancy Audet
Emily Auger-Edwards
Maude Bachand-Fournier
Isabelle Bilodeau
Marianne Bouchard
Audrey Cloutier
Sonia Couturier
Andréanne Groleau
Rita-Joëlle Harraka
Alexandra Lachance
Valérie Lachance-Bouchard
Catherine Lacroix
Patrice Laprise-Lachance
Maude Larouche
Audrey-Ann Pelletier-St-Pierre
Marc-André Plante
Reda Rais
Pierre-Luc Ratté
Catherine Rioux
Hugo Roy
Julie-Rose St-Pierre
Marie-Christine Sylvain
Insaf Taiar2015-2016
Laurence Allard
Anne Beaudry
Yannick Boily
Éric Boivin
Martine Bouchard
Raphaël Bourgouin
Alexandra Covrig
Fleur-Ange Denis
Maxime Dubé
Marie-Mei Gélinas
Michel Germain
Roxanne Hébert
Magali Laprise-Lachance
Lawrence Breton Lafrenière
Romy Laperrière
Marie-Philippe Pellerin
Myriam Pilon
Mathieu Roy
Laurie T. Sylvain
Jasmin Thériault
Mélanie Tremblay